Dunn Research Group
We are devastated by the recent passing of Suzanne Eaton. Our thoughts are with her family, friends, and colleagues. Please read about the Suzanne Eaton Memorial Fund here and visit her tribute page here.
3/21/2019: Congrats! Vinay's and Ria's paper is officially published in MBoC - Check it out here!
3/4/2019: Welcome Amy and Brian! They join us from MIT where they obtained a bachelor's in chemical engineering (they go way back). Amy will be characterizing the force-sensitivity of adhesion proteins using the optical trap. Brian will be developing force sensors for a wide array of biological systems.
12/11/2018: Andrew's paper with Anna-Lena from the Grashoff lab measuring the tension on desmoplakin is now published in Nature Communication! Congrats! Check it out here!
6/17/2018: The Dunnitos ran the summer scamper again! We had some great times and helped the Stanford Childrem Hospital with our efforts.
Congrats Dr. Surya! Vinay defended his PhD thesis with his characteristic swag. We will miss you!
Welcome Elgin! Elgin will be working on single molecule dynamics of mechnotransduction complexes. He joins from Harvard where he obtained a bachelor's and a master's degree in theoretical physics.
Congrats Dr. Huang. Eva defended her PhD thesis and impressed everyone in the audience with her outstanding work.
Congrats Dr. Price, Andrew defend his PhD thesis and we cannot be more proud of him.
Welcome Eva de la Serna, Eva will be working on engineering a novel device to do long term imaging of mouse embryos. She joins from MIT where she obtained a bachelor's chemical engineering.
1/17/2018: Check out the Stanford News "Starting small on the path to rebuilding our bodies"!
1/17/2018: Xmas celebration !
10/17/2017: Check out this new article highlighting Nick and Derek's research on Medical Physics Web! Congrats!
08/18/2017: Congrats Derek and Nick! Your SCIENCE paper is out. It is very insightful and it looks fantastic! Do you know if your catch bond is directional? Check it out!
06/25/2017: We've Dunn it again! The Dunnitos ran the Summer Scamper with style.
06/13/2017: Welcome Vipul! Vipul has joined the Dunn lab and will be doing his MD/PhD with us for the next few years.
06/01/2017: Well done Leanna! Leanna's paper was accepted in MBoC. Check it out here!
04/12/2017: Kiara from ChemE has joined the Dunn Lab! Welcome!
04/23/2017: Cayla performed excellently in her first Triathlon! It was clutch!
04/05/2017: Congrats to Armen and crew for the excellent paper in MBoC! A big thanks to all the collaborators who made the paper great! Check out the paper here!
03/20/2017: Spring BBQ of the Dunnlab. Luna was certainly the star of the night.
03/19/2017: Congrats Carlos, you are now a HFSP fellow! Carlos was awarded the prestigious HFSP fellowship.
01/18/2017: Andrew and Eva, you've Dunn it again!!! Congrats on your paper!
01/01/2017: Well done Vinay and Ria. Your paper is out and it looks fantastic. Look it up here!
12/25/2016: Happy holidays from the Dunn lab!
10/22/2016: Goodbye Alice. Alice was a PhD student in the Dunn lab for the last 6 years. During this time she became an excellent researcher, published papers and made us very happy with her smile. Best of luck at her new job at Five Prime Therapeutics!.
10/22/2016: The Dunn lab celebrates Thanksgiving!
09/25/2016: Congrants Alice! You've Dunn it! Read Alice's paper here
09/22/2016: Alex is a 2016 HHMI faculty scholar! Congrats Alex.
09/16/2016: We've Dunn it again. The Dunn lab capped off the summer by running under the beautiful harvest moon at the 2016 Palo Alto Moonlight Run. Everyone raced well, no one turned into a werewolf, and delicious snacks were had by all.
08/19/2016: From now on, our Alice shall be called Dr. Chang. Congrats Alice !!! .
07/25/2016: The 2016 lab hike was awesome! We had a great hike through Mt. Tamalpais to end up at Stinson Beach where, among many activities, we played ball, made a human pyramid, and buried Steven. Thanks Steven for being such a good sport.
07/20/2016: Congrats Armen! Armen successfully defended his PhD thesis and is now Dr. Mekhdjian!
06/29/2016: Congrats Derek on winning the poster presentation at the Adhesion Receptors Gordon Conference. You rocked the Gordon meeting.
06/19/2016: Well Dunn! The Dunnitos ran in the 2016 Summer Scamper. We had a lot of fun and raced some respectable times.
05/26/2016: Congratulations Carlos on your Science paper!
04/06/2016: Congratulations to Derek for earning the NSF Fellowship!
04/02/2016: Claudia and Carlos have joined the Dunn group as postdocs! Welcome!
03/26/2016: The Dunn group welcomes Sarang and Cayla to the group! We look forward to working with both of you!
02/12/2016: Leanna has been invited to the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting for 2016!! Congratulations!
11/30/2015: Maggie, Eva, and Vinay have pulished a new paper in Annals of Biomedical Engineering! It presents some exciting new stuff about how endothelial cells migrate in response to fluid flow. Check out the new paper here!
09/18/2015: Congratulations to Ria for passing her qualifying exams! Great job! She'll be working with Vinay to figure out the endothelial cells respond to flow!
08/19/2015: Craig has successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations on all your hard work and accomplishments!
07/21/2015: Jack has published his new paper in Biophysical Journal! Check out the paper here!
06/18/2015: Nick Bax has joined the group from Biophysics! Welcome to the group!
05/28/2015: Senor Diego Ramallo has passed his defense with amazing brilliance! Congratulations Diego!
05/01/2015: Derek and Eleftheria have joined the Dunn group from biophysics and chemical engineering! Welcome to the group! We look forward to seeing all your great work.
03/10/2015: Jack passed his defense with great success! Congratulations Jack!
03/02/2015: Masatoshi, Armen, and the integrins team have published their new molecular tension paper in Nano Letters! Congratulations! Check it out here.
02/13/2015: Alex and Andrew have published a new article in Physics Today! Check out the piece here!
02/09/2015: Alex talks about the lab's interest in mechanobiology in a new interview from BPS! Check out the full interview here!
01/01/2015: Sheil Kee has been awarded an AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship! Congratulations! Thanks for all your hard work!
11/18/2014: Alex and colleagues have published a new paper in Plos Biology! Check out the article here.
10/31/2014: Craig has published a new paper in Science on the cadherin-catenin complex binding to actin under force! Congratulations Craig! Check out the article here.